Gerard and Kelly, Modern Living, 2016

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<b>Gerard and Kelly, <i>Modern Living</i>, 2016

Artist: Brennan Gerard (b.1978, Ohio) and Ryan Kelly (b.1979, Pennsylvania), live and work in Los Angeles and New York Description: Modern Living is a series of site-specific performances, videos filmed on location, drawings and performance scores. Each is set in a modernist home, and explores intimacy and domestic space within modernist architecture.The first two took […]

Jessi Reaves, The History, 2017

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<b>Jessi Reaves, <i>The History</i>, 2017</b>

Artist: Jessi Reaves (born 1986, Portland, OR; lives and works in New York). Description: Marcel Breuer chair combined with an outdoor reclining chair, bound in newspaper print fabric. For her solo show at Herald Street Gallery (London) in 2017, titled Android Stroll, Reaves presented sculptures that midcentury ergonomic furniture with bulky, heavy, impractical materials. “Reaves […]

Terry Adkins, Smoke Signal, 2013

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<b>Terry Adkins, <i>Smoke Signal</i>, 2013</b>

Artist: Terry Adkins (born 1953, Washington, D.C., died 2014) Description: Eames chair bases, concrete, leather, and ebony (69 × 483 × 76 cm) “Smoke Signal (2012) is a dialogue between two materials and processes. The tall (roughly fifteen feet) metal structure is made of stacked Eames chair skeletons set in a concrete base, with black […]

Marco Castillo, The Decorator’s Home, 2019

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<b>Marco Castillo, <i>The Decorator’s Home</i>, 2019</b>

Artist: Marco Castillo (b.1971, lives and works in Havana, Cuba) Images: Installation view, UTA Artist Space, Los Angeles Maria, 2018 Prima Libreta de Notas, 2018 Description: A solo show of recent work by Marco Castillo (formerly of the group Los Carpenteros), held during the Havana Biennial in 2019, and subsequently at UTA Artist Space, Los […]

El Museo de las Máquinas, 2017

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<b>El Museo de las Máquinas, 2017</b>

Curator: Abel González Fernández (lives and works in Havana, Cuba). Description: “El Museo de las Máquinas: arquitectura de espacios cerrados en las décadas del 60 y 70 de la Revolución cubana” [The Museum of Machines: Architecture of Closed Spaces of the Cuban Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s] was held in the studio of art […]

Igor Grubić, Monument, 2015

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<b>Igor Grubić, <i>Monument</i>, 2015</b>

Artist: Igor Grubić (born 1969, Zabreb, Croatia; lives and works in Zagreb) Materials: Video, 50 minutes Description: A video portrait of nine socialist-era monuments in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The work provides almost no contextual information (dates, titles, or locations) and relies on the interplay between the timeless otherworldly appearance of the structures, subdued […]

Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Flooded Modernity, 2018

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<b>Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, <i>Flooded Modernity</i>, 2018</b>

Artist: Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen (b. 1977, Aeroe, Denmark; lives and works in Copenhagen). Description: A faithful 1:1 mock-up of a corner of Le Corbusier’s 1927 Villa Savoye, submerged in Vejle Fjord. Conceived for the Floating Art Festival, Vejle Art Museum, Denmark. “Havsteen-Mikkelsen’s appropriation of the Villa Savoye alights with the sunken dreams of Le Corbusier and […]

Catherine Opie, The Modernist, 2017

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<b>Catherine Opie, <i>The  Modernist</i>,  2017</b>

Artist: Catherine Opie (born 1961, Sandusky, OH; lives and works in Los Angeles). Materials: Photo series and film (21:44 mins) comprising 852 black-and-white photographs. Description: “We are uncertain about the ambiguous identity of the protagonist, who is played by Opie’s artist friend, Stosh, aka Pig Pen. At the beginning of the film, we watch him […]

Katarina Burin, HOTEL NORD-SUD 1932-34: Design and Correspondence, 2013

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<b>Katarina Burin, <i> HOTEL NORD-SUD 1932-34: Design and Correspondence</i>, 2013</b>

Artist: Katarina Burin (born Bratislava, Slovakia; lives and works in Cambridge, MA, USA). Description: “This exhibition presents a body of work attributed to the Czechoslovakian architect Petra Andrejova-Molnár, an overlooked (in fact, fictional) figure active in Eastern and Central Europe during the first half of the twentieth century. The exhibition presents a diverse range of […]

Renée Green, Begin Again, Begin Again, 2015

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<b>Renée Green, <i>Begin Again, Begin Again</i>, 2015</b>

Artist: Renée Green (born 1959, Cleveland, OH, USA; lives and works in Cambridge, MA). Description: Begin Again, Begin Again is a roughly forty-five minute single channel video. It is also the title of Green’s solo exhibition at MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House,  Los Angeles. Begin Again, Begin Again “is an attempt, […]

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