Yael Bartana, Summer Camp / Awodah, 2007
Artist: Yael Bartana (born 1970 in Kfar Yehezkel, Israel; lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Berlin, Germany). Materials: Two-channel video and sound installation; 12 min. Description: “Summer Camp shows the activities of ‘The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions’ (ICAHD); their actions consist amongst others of rebuilding Palestinian houses in the occupied territories. In the […]
Swetlana Heger, Animal Farm, 2007
Artist: Swetlana Heger (born 1968 in Brünn, Czech Republic; lives and works in Berlin, Germany). Description: Photographs of all the former monuments of Stalin in East Berlin melted down into animal sculptures after 1989. Black-and-white photographs in colored frames. “Starting with concrete fact, Heger quickly delves into a territory that indexes the points at which […]
IRWIN, Icons – Retroprincip, 1983 – ongoing
Artist: IRWIN [Dušan Mandič, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, and Borut Vogelnik] (collective 1983 founded in Ljubljana, Slovenia; works in Ljubljana). Description: IRWIN select and remix ideologically specific imagery (rather than the de-hierarchized remixing of forms found in postmodernist architecture, where motifs and styles are divorced from their social and cultural meanings). All imagery can […]