Céline Condorelli (born 1974 in France; lives and works in London, England), Gavin Wade (born in Great Britain; lives and works in Birmingham, England), and James Langdon (lives and works in Birmingham).

An exhibition of work by contemporary artists about modernist display practices presented at Temple Bar Gallery in Dublin, Eastside Projects in Birmingham, and Stroom den Haag in The Hague.

“‘Display Show’ follows a path that leads from doing-something-to-show-things (the technical term for which, in twentieth century art discourse, has come to be described as the verb ‘to display’), to the idea that those actions not only change the way we see things, but also transform the nature of what is displayed, of who is looking, and of their environment.

“‘Display Show’ at Stroom Den Haag is an enquiry into forms of display and presents existing and new works by international artists including Céline Condorelli, Charlotte Cullinan & Jeanine Richards, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Flore Nové-Josserand, Goshka Macuga, Rita McBride, Eilis McDonald, Nathalie du Pasquier, Amalia Pica, Yelena Popova, Haim Steinbach, Gavin Wade, Nicole Wermers and Christopher Williams.

“The exhibition is also articulated in relationship to, and ‘after’ radical display practices from the twentieth-century, such as Franco Albini, Lina Bo Bardi, Eileen Gray, Herbert Bayer, Adolf Krischanitz, Frederick Kiesler, El Lissitzky, and Carlo Scarpa; these approaches will be presented through methods of reconstruction, re-enactment, modelling, mirroring, copying, and upcycling.
—”Display Show,” Stroom den Haag, 2016.

“‘”Display Show” proposes to consider display as intrinsic to artistic production and interpretation, as the process of taking shape that redefines both notions of art as work and art as exhibition,’ comments the team.”
—Carmel McNamara, “Display Show Questions the Process of Art Presentation,” FRAM3, August 19, 2015.

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