Sandra Gamarra (b.1972, Peru; lives and works in Madrid)
Paintings, poster, installation.
Painting LiMac Miami Bordes Blandos II, 2015, oil on canvas, 17 7/10 × 17 7/10 inches
Artist-curated exhibition Modernidad blanda (Soft modernity), shown at Art Basel Miami in 2015.
Gamarra was invited by Galeria Leme (Sao Paulo) to design its booth for Art Basel Miami, where she created a fictional museum called LiMAC (Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Lima). The resulting exhibition, Modernidad blanda (Soft Modernity) revisited the modernist heritage of Brazil through Gamarra’s own work and that of two Brazilian artists from different generations. The other two artists were Luciano Figueiredo (b.1948), one of the protagonists of the 1970s counterculture movement in Brazil, and Mauro Piva (b.1977), whose paintings on paper carefully reconstruct abstract works that subtly refer to well-known Brazilian artists such as Alfredo Volpi, Judith Lauand, Willys de Castro, and others.
“Continuing her recycling of other artists’ ouvres, Sandra Gamarra appropriates key works from the main protagonists of the Modernist period and continues her research on the consequences of modernism in South America. By doing so, she enlarges LiMac’s Bamba Collection, that consists of paintings copied from the photographic registration of sculptures, installations and videos found in contemporary art publications.The space was designed so that it appears to be a museum entrance, a souvenir shop and an exhibition room.” –LiMAC website.