Jeff Wall, Morning Cleaning, Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona, 1999

Artist: Jeff Wall (born 1947 in Vancouver, Canada; lives and works in Vancouver). Materials: Transparency on lightbox; 1870 x 3510 x 260 mm. Description: A picture of a window cleaner attending to Mies’s Barcelona Pavilion (1929). “Morning Cleaning, Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona is a color photograph displayed as a transparency in a lightbox that measures […]
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Brasilia Hall, 1998-99/2000

Artist: Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (born 1965 in Strasbourg, France; lives and works in Paris, France and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Materials: Neon sign, carpet, video; color, silent. Description: A reference to Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia Hall was first shown in Gonzalez-Foerster’s ARC show in Paris in 1999. The work is interested in how experimental forms of modernism took […]
Damián Ortega, Tortillas Construction Module, 1998

Artist: Damián Ortega (born 1967 in Mexico City, Mexico; lives and works in Mexico City and Berlin, Germany). Materials: Corn tortillas; dimensions variable. Description: “An ad hoc quasi-modernist sculpture, Tortillas Construction Module is made from corn, the archetypal Mesoamerican staple. In a move that reflects his fascination with the ways in which things are constructed, Damián Ortega […]
Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, The Palace of Projects, 1995-2001

Artist: Ilya Kabakov (born 1933 in Dnepropetrovsk, USSR; died 2023) and Emilia Kabakov (born 1945 in Dnepropetrovsk; lives and works in Long Island, NY). Description: “The Palace of Projects, created by husband and wife Ilya and Emilia Kabakov is a spiraling architectural structure forty-feet high and eighty feet in diameter. The nautilus-shaped Palace is constructed of […]
Matthias Müller, Vacancy, 1998

Artist: Matthias Müller (born 1961 in Bielefeld, Germany; lives and works in Bielefeld and Cologne, Germany). Materials: Film, shown as video, projection, or monitor, color and, sound; 13 min 52 sec. Description: “Brasília, the ‘city of hope,’ ‘the ultimate utopia of the 20th century’ (Umberto Eco), is being conserved as a cultural heritage today. It is […]
Hiroshi Sugimoto, Architecture, 1997

Artist: Hiroshi Sugimoto (born 1947 in Tokyo, Japan; lives and works in New York, USA and Tokyo). Documentation: Guggenheim, New York (1997); Fagus Shoe Last Factory, Gropius (1998) Description: A photographic series of blurry shots of famous modernist architecture. “‘Sugimoto traveled around the world to photograph landmarks of modern architecture—not to document them, but to bring […]
Simon Starling, Work, Ready-Made, Kunsthalle Bern, 1997

Artist: Simon Starling (born 1967 in Epsom, England; lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark). Description: Starling both remade a Charles Eames Aluminum Group chair from the metal of a Marin Sausalito bicycle, and then made a Sausalito bicycle out of an Eames chair. “Work, Made-ready, Kunsthalle Bern 1997 inverts the notion of the readymade in a […]
Pedro Reyes, La Torre de los Vientos, 1997-2004

Artist: Pedro Reyes (born 1972 in Mexico City, Mexico; lives and works in Mexico City). Description: Reyes squatted inside La Torre de los Vientos, a 1968 sculpture by Gonzalo Fonseca, and used it as a studio and exhibition space for five years. Over 30 projects, events, and exhibitions took place while he was there. “La Torre […]
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Chandigarh Book, 1996

Artist: Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (born 1965 in Strasbourg, France; lives and works in Paris, France and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Materials: Collage on plexiglass; 13 plates, each 25 x 25 x .3 cm. Description: Photographs of Le Corbusier’s architecture in Chandigarh, India. “For me being in Brasilia and Chandigarh is like coming home. I recognise the architecture […]
IRWIN, Retroavantgarde, 1996

Artist: IRWIN [Dušan Mandič, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, and Borut Vogelnik] (collective founded 1983 in Ljubljana, Slovenia; works in Ljubljana). Materials: Mixed media; 120 x 200 cm. Description: A wall diagram that spoofs Alfred H. Barr’s 1936 diagram of modern art. The IRWIN equivalent extents back from its present day (IRWIN) back to the […]