Alexandra Pirici and Manuel Pelmus, Public Collection, 2014

Artists: Alexandra Pirici (born Bucharest, 1982, lives and works in Berlin) and Manuel Pelmus (born 1974, lives and works in Oslo and Bucharest) Description: Public Collection is a continuous performance in an exhibition context, performed by 3 or 4 dancers, that proposes the idea of an immaterial collection of modern art. Illustrated above: installation at […]
Gerard and Kelly, Modern Living, 2016

Artist: Brennan Gerard (b.1978, Ohio) and Ryan Kelly (b.1979, Pennsylvania), live and work in Los Angeles and New York Description: Modern Living is a series of site-specific performances, videos filmed on location, drawings and performance scores. Each is set in a modernist home, and explores intimacy and domestic space within modernist architecture.The first two took […]
Paulina Ołowska, Alphabet, 2005/12

Artist: Paulina Ołowska (born 1976 in Gdansk, Poland; lives and works in Rabka Zdroj and Krakow, Poland). Description: “The performance Alphabet, by Paulina Ołowksa, is inspired by Czech designer Karel Teige’s typographic book ABECEDA (which was published in Prague in 1926…). Referring to the poetics of typography and Eastern European avant-garde tradition, the work involves […]
Rossella Biscotti, Three Performances, 2011

Artist: Rossella Biscotti (born 1978 in Molfetta, Italy; lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands). Description: “Rossella Biscotti sets three performances in Naples. The first one at Pozzuoli, in the area of approximately 30,000 m2 of an industrial plant designed in the fifties by the Neapolitan architect Luigi Cosenza on behalf of Adriano Olivetti (1901-1960). In […]
Anatoly Osmolovsky, A Voyage of Netsezudik to Brobdingnag (Mayakovsky—Osmolovsky), 1993/2011

Artist: Anatoly Osmolovsky (born 1969 in Moscow, USSR; lives and works in Moscow). Description: “Osmolovsky’s A Voyage of Netsezudik to Brobdingnag (Mayakovsky-Osmolovsky) (1993/2011) is photo documentation of a performance in which Osmolovsky perched on the shoulder of a monument of Futurist poet and radical Vladimir Mayakovsky. Although Osmolovsky’s gesture could be read an attempt to […]
Terence Gower, Manifiesto, 2015

Artist: Terence Gower (born 1965 in British Columbia, Canada; lives and works in New York City, USA). Description: “Manifiesto juxtaposes music and architecture, two forms of expression that employ rhythm, harmony, proportion, and dynamics. Mathias Goeritz, in his 1952 Manifiesto de la arquitectura emocional and in his manifesto’s built form, El Eco, added emotion to this list […]
Josiah McElheny, The Metal Party, 2001

Artist: Josiah McElheny (born 1966 in Boston, USA; lives and works in New York City, USA). Description: Participatory performance organized in Brooklyn and San Francisco by the Public Art Fund and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, respectively. “Josiah McElheny’s The Metal Party is a re-creation of a party organized in 1929 by students of […]
Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater, Retrogarde Event Baptism under Triglav, 1986

Artist: Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater (founded 1983 by Eda Čufer, Miran Mohar, and Dragan Živadinov in Ljubljana, Slovenia; terminated 1987). Documentation: A group portrait of NSK [Neue Slowenische Kunst] members in front of a model of Tatlin’s tower from the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theatre production. Photo by Marko Modic. Description: In ‘The Founding Act’ (of 13 October […]
IRWIN and Michael Benson, Black Square on Red Square, 1992

Artist: IRWIN [Dušan Mandič, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, and Borut Vogelnik] (collective founded 1983 in Ljubljana, Slovenia; works in Ljubljana) and Michael Benson (born 1962 in Munich, Germany; lives and works in Brooklyn, USA). Materials: A square of black cloth, 22 meters on each side. Description: Unfurled in Moscow’s Red Square in ironic homage […]