Veronika Kellndorfer (born 1962 in Munich, Germany; lives and works in Berlin, Germany).

Single panel silk-screen print on glass

“First through painting and then through photography, Kellndorfer has introduced a body of work whose focuses on the ephemeral nature of architecture and space. Her new body of work, featured in the main gallery space, focuses on Californian modern architectural landmarks of Frank Lloyd Wright, John Lautner, Pierre Koenig, and Rudolf Schindler. Her work re-examines the physical and social construction of space through her distinct technique of silk-screening photographic images onto large glass panels.”
—Press release, “Private Utopia,” Christopher Grimes Gallery website.

“Two of the larger prints, Pierre Koenig and Pierre Koenig (transparent), each 431⁄4 by 901⁄2 inches, feature the same view, rich with light and shadow, of a house that seems to hover just above the ground. The ghostly image, paired with the sensuous substance and heft of the glass, sets up a contrast between the transparent and the substantial that resonates throughout this exhibition.”
—Annie Buckley, “Veronika Kellndorfer,” Art in America, February 5, 2010.

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